
Wednesday, 1st of April

Hello children!
Today is the first day of April. April is normally very rainy. But remember:

April showers bring May flowers!

Assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Lesson 6 British culture
  • Book (page 78) read the page aloud 2 times. Answer the last question in your notebook.
  • Activity book (page 75) Do exercise 2.
  • Cut out and colour game Unit 7. Play with somebody in your family. Look at page 77 in your book (activity 3) to know how to play.

SOCIAL: Protecting the environment (pages 66-67)

  • Listen and copy in your notebook the first box. Highlight the key words.
  • Do exercises 1 to 6 in your computer. exercise 7 is optional (you can get a positive!!).
  • Listen and copy the last box in your notebook, Highlight the important words .
  • Watch this video (activate subtitles for better understanding)

Have a great day!


Tuesday, 31st of March

Good morning kids!

Today is the last day of March, so tomorrow we begin a new month. Outside is really cold so it´s great to be at home enjoying this amazing homework!!! (Hahaha)

Today we have a unique task for English and Science:


  • Print this workshets and do them: Lanscape worksheets 
  • (FAMILIAS, guardad las soluciones para que ellos se autocorrijan al final).

  • First watch this video
  • As easter is coming, draw this beautiful Easter bunny coming out an Easter egg:

Have a great day!!


Monday, 30th of March

Good Morning boys and girls! How do you feel about the change of time? did you get up late? that´s normal during a few days, don´t worry.

First of all here you have a little surprise: Watch this video

We begin the 3rd week at home. Let´s do it with good energy! this is the assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Lesson 5
  • Book: page 77 read the tongue twister. Listen to it in Navio (6th set of activities), Say it to your parents as fast as you can.
  • Do the 6th and 7th set of activities.
  • Activity book; page 74. Do activities 1, 2 and 3 (play snap with somebody in your family.
SOCIAL: Story time! (pages 64-65)

  • Listen to the story (Activity 2).
  • Now watch the digital story (at the end of activity 6).
  • Do activities 3, 4 and 5 in your notebook, Just write the page, number of the exercise and the answers.
Have a great day!


Friday 27th of March

Hello students, today is... FRIDAYYYY!!!
I know, during this quarantine that doesn´t make much difference...but keep the energy up!!

The assigment for today

ENGLISH: lesson 4

Book (page 76)
  • Read aloud the vocabulary.
  • Do 4th and 5th sets of activities.
  • Activity 3: read it aloud. Go to different rooms in your home. Take different objects and ask your family: Whose is this? It´s mine/his/her/yours
Activity book (page 73)
  • Do activities 1 and 2

SOCIAL: Rural and urban landscapes (pages 62-63)
  • Listen and copy the first box. Highlight the key words.
  • Do activities 1 to 5. In activity 3 draw the landscape in your notebook. Remember to write the title with the type of landscape.
  • Find a photo in a magazine or internet of a rural ladscape and glue it to your notebook (with title)
  • Copy the last box in your notebook. Highlight the key words.
EXTRA: In this blog, look at the right column and click on plants. Do the games and watch the videos. You can do this during the weekend. (FAMILIAS,  podéis dar permiso a Flash, no os preocupéis que es seguro).

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, 26th of March


Como hay algunos que me han preguntado, os aclaro que tanto el cuaderno donde trabajan como los trabajos de plástica u otros (que deben guardar en la carpeta) deben traerlos a clase cuando volvamos. Así puedo ver cómo les ha ido y me sirve para saber cómo retomar el curso.

Hello boys and girls!!
Do you have sore muscles from yesterday´s P.E. class? I hope not.
Here is today´s assigment:

ENGLISH: lesson 3
  • Go to Navio and do the 3rd set of activities. First click on listen so you just listen. The second time click on listen and read.
  • Book (pages 74-75): read the story aloud and do exercise 2
  • Activity Book (page 72) Do exercises 1 and 2.
  • Help Wes find the mouse!

SOCIAL: Landforms (pages 60-61)
  • Watch this video: Land and water forms
  • Listen and copy in your notebook the first box.
  • Do exercises 1 to 6
  • Listen and copy in your notebook the last box
Have a great day!


Wednesday, 25th of March

Good morning everyone!
I hope you are doing great with the work. Here is today´s assigment:


  • Listen and sing the song a "There´s a mouse in my house" a couple of times.
  • Watch this video:

  • Writing: in your notebook, with the title MY HOME, write sentences to describe your home. Start with... My home is a flat/house... Use ALL the vocabulary of lesson 1 and the grammar of the green box. For example: There´s a kitchen; there isn´t a garage...


Project time! Do the project on pages 58 and 59


 Get up and move your body with this exercise routine. For all the family!!!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, 24th of March

Good morning students!
I see that most of you have registered in Blink. Great! but still some people didn´t. Please, do it as soon as possible to be able to follow the work.

Os voy a pedir que facilitéis un cuaderno pequeño a vuestros hijos pues les pediré que escriban cosas en él. Cada día que lo usen deben escribir la fecha en Inglés y el título de lo que vayamos a hacer. Una página para hacer trabajos de Inglés (Ponen ENGLISH arriba) y una página diferente para SOCIAL.
También me gustaría tener algún feed back de cómo van las tareas. Lo  pueden escribir los niños en comentarios (en Inglés si es posible) o vosotros si hay algún problema que me queráis comentar. SIEMPRE CON NOMBRE Y CLASE.
Muchas gracias

Assigment for today:

ENGLISH Lesson 2

  Book (page 77)
  • Copy the vocabulary of lesson 1 in your notebook
  • exercise 1: read the dialogue. Act it out with somebody at home. Copy the green box in your notebook
  • Go to Navio and do the second set of activities
Activity book (page 71)
  • Do exercises 1 and 2

SOCIAL SCIENCES (pages 56 and 57)

  • Listen and read the first box. Copy it in your notebook
  • Do exercises 1 to 6.
  • Listen and read the last box. Copy it in your notebook


Draw a fly. Put it in your folder to show me when you come back.

Have a great day!!


Monday, 23rd of March

Hello, good morning! how are you?
Are you ready to do the Monday assigment? Here we go!

ENGLISH: Today we begin lesson 7. So we do lesson 1

  • Pupil´s Book: Page 72. Sing the song 3 times. Point to the different rooms in the house as you sing it. To do it go to Navio and do the first set of activities. Then put the stickers, say the chant and point
  • Activity book: Do exercises 1 and 2

SOCIAL SCIENCES: We begin UNIT 4, Landscapes. Do pages 54 and 55. To do the exercises just click on the tick next to exercise.

If you have questions you can leave a comment.

Have a great day!


Semana 16-22 de marzo

Estimados alumnos, alumnas, madres y padres,

espero que hayáis pasado bien la primera semana de encierro. Como parece que esto va para largo a partir de hora iré poniendo aquí las tareas diarias para hacer en casa de English y Science.

A partir del lunes 23 de marzo comenzaremos la Unit 7 de English. Como se llevaron los libros y los Activity Books no hay problema. Para ese día todos deben haber terminado las actividades que faltaban del tema 6 (los listening no se pueden hacer pero las otras sí).

En Ciencias no se llevaron los libros. Y los recursos digitales para el alumno de Macmillan no me permiten dar el tema en las condiciones óptimas. Por tanto vamos a cambiar a Oxford, la editorial que teníamos el curso pasado. Para acceder a los recursos digitales debéis estar registrados en Blink (como el curso pasado). Os tengo que pasar un código del alumno pero no lo puedo hacer por aquí porque tiene un uso limitado así que os lo haré llegar al chat de whatsaap. Si alguna familia no está en dicho chat me puede dejar un comentario debajo de esta publicación con un email para enviarle el código.

Estas son las instrucciones para registrarse en Blink:

1. Registrarse como alumno en BlinkLearning (www.blinklearning.com) con los datos que se solicitan.
2. Muy importante, introducir el CÓDIGO DE CLASE que le ha facilitado el profesor.
3. El alumno visualizará la caratula del libro y tendrá que introducir la licencia/código que le facilitará el profesor (la misma para todos los alumnos)
Espero que os gusten,
Si tienes cualquier duda, contacta conmigo o llama al 900907607

Todo esto es nuevo para todos y requiere un esfuerzo, sobre todo al principio, para aprender a funcionar de esta nueva manera. Os pido de antemano que disculpéis los errores que cometeré pues para mí también es un reto.

Un saludo
