
Friday, 1st of May

Hello students!

Today is the first day of this beautiful month of... MAY

Today is the international workers´day. So it´s bank holiday. For this reason today there´s no English or Science work. Just some fun about my favuorite month of the year:

  • Watch this video: 

  • Print this text. read it and answer the questions: It´s gonna be May.
  • Ask these riddles to somebody at home: 

Q: What month is the shortest month? 

A: May! Because it only has 3 letters! 


Q: How many months have 28 days?

A: All of them have 28 days! Even February! 


It's given to you,
and it belongs to you.
But your friends and family use it more than you do.
What is it? 

A: Your name! 

Have a great day!

Thursday, 30th of April

Hello students!
Today is the last day of April. So tomorrow begins one of the most beautiful months of the year. Maybe my favourite: MAY!!!

This is the assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Video and 21st century skills

  • Navio: Do the 7th set of activities. Watch the main video 2 times
  • Book (page 91): Do activities 1, 2 and 3
  • Activity Book (page 88): Do activities 1 and 2

NATURAL S.: Let´s revise! pages 92-93

Have a great day!


Wednesday, 29th of April

Good morning boys and girls!

This is the assigment for today:


  • Book (page 90): Do activities 1 and 2 (find somebody at home to do act. 2). Stick the well done sticker and sing the song.
  • Activity book (page 87): Do activities 1 and 2.
  • Giving directios quiz (scroll down on the page and do the 2 activities).

NATURAL S.: Uses of materials (pages 90-91)
  • Listen and read the first box 2 times. Why are houses made of bricks and glass? Answer in your notebook.
  • Do activities 1 to 6.
  • Listen and read the las box. Copy it in your notebook. Highlight the key words.
  • Watch this video. Enable subtiltles for better understanding.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, 28th of April

ATENCIÓN PADRES Y MADRES. Os recuerdo que aparte de las asignaturas que ponemos en los blogs hay más actividades de Música y Educación Física en la página web del colegio que podéis encontrar pinchando en suspensión de las clases. Trabajos a realizar por los alumnos.

Good morning everyone!

Assigment for today:


NATURAL S.: Story time. Pages 88-89
  • Before you read: do activity 1 in your notebook.
  • Go to the end of page 89 to listen and read the digital story. Click on the pictures for vocabulary. Click on the cube (at the top right) for a test.
  • After you read: Do activities 2, 4 and 5 in your notebook.
Have a great day!


Monday, 27th of April

Good morning dear students!

Many of you could finally go for a walk to the street after weeks at home. That is great! So the end of this lockdown is a bit nearer.
But we have to continue working at home. So this is the asigment for today:

ENGLISH: Lesson 7 literacy

  • Book (page 89): Do activities 1 and 2. If you downloaded the audios you can listen to it.
  • Activity book (page 86): Do activities 1 and 2.
Today we begin with this video about mixtures: video mixtures.

Today´s lesson is Materials change (pages 86-87)
  • Listen and read the firs paragraph. Copy it in your notebook. Highlight the key words.
  • Do exercises 1 to 5
  • Do exercise 6 with different objects. Write in your notebook 6 sentences : I can stretch a... I can´t stretch a ...I can twist a... I can´t twist a ... I can squash... I can´t squash...
  • Listen and copy the last paragraph in your notebook. Highlight the important words.

Have a great Monday!


Friday, 24th of April

Hello boys and girls!
Today is Friday. And there are good news for you. Probably this Sunday you can go out with your parents for a walk. But remeber to keep the safety distance to everyone.

Assigment for today

ENGLISH: Lesson 6 British culture. (Atención padres, si habéis descargado los audios del pupil´s corner en www.mamillaneducation.es podéis excuchar los audios. Si no, que solo lo lean)

  • Book (page 88): Listen and read the text 2 times. Answer the question in your notebook
  • Activity book (page 85): Do activities 1 and 2.
  • Notebook: Write what your mum and dad do for work and if they wear special clothes. Look at the book to write similar sentences.

NATURAL S.: Mixtures (page 85)
  • Copy the last box in your notebook. Highlight the key words.
  • Do activities 4, 5 and 6
  • Make at home 2 examples of homogeneous mixtures and 2 examples of heterogeneous mixtures. Draw them in your notebook.


Thursday, 23rd of April

ATENCIÓN PADRES: He enviado por whatsapp indicaciones de cómo descargar los audios para hacer los Listenings de los libros de Inglés. Hay que ir a la página www.macmillaneducation.es. Os registráis y vais al pupil´s corner. Allí buscáis New High Five y podéis descargarlos.

Good morning students!

Today is a special day. Yes, today is Saint George´s day!! It´s Jorge Ramos day, Georgy day.. And my day hehe. So today we have some special activities in English and Arts.

ENGLISH: St George´s day

[Padres por favor, dadles la hoja de respuestas cuando hayan terminado la ficha. La pueden corregir ellos mismos]

NATURAL: Do worksheet 5.3 [Cuidado, también van las respuestas para que la corrijan al final]

ARTS AND CRAFTS: Choose one of these and make it. You can do more than one if you want.
Have a great day!


Wednesday, 22nd of April

Good morning guys!
Ready to do today´s assigment? here we go:

ENGLISH: Lesson 5 speaking

  • Book (page 87) and Navio: Look at the tongue twister in the book. In Navio go to the 6th set of activities. Listen and say the tongue twister. try to say it as fast as you can. Do the other activities in Navio.
  • For exercise 3 (talk partners) read the dialogue in the book. Play with somebody at home using the cut out unit 8.
  • Activity book (page 84): Do activities 1, 2 and 3.

NATURAL:  Mass and Volume. Page 84

 [ATENCIÓN PADRES: estos conceptos pueden ser complicados de entender. Puede que necesiten alguna explicación vuestra, Sobre todo el concepto de materia (matter) y masa (mass)]

  • Watch these videos: Mass and volume and Mass, volume and density (in the second video watch only until minute 1:25. forget about density). Watch them more than 1 time. Activate subtitles if you need more understanding.
  • Listen and copy the first box in your notebook. Highlight the important words.
  • Do exercises 1, 2 and 3.
  • Draw in your notebook 1 example of 2 objects with the same mass but different volume.
  • Draw in your notebook 1 example of 2 objects with the same volume but different mass.
P.E.: Come on family! this is for everyone at home. Let´s move!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, 21st of April

Good Morning students!

This is the assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Do these worksheets

NATURAL: Experiment time! (pages 82-83)
  • Print the pages if you can. If you can´t print, answer in your notebook. (Sorry, there´s no template)
  • First write your hypothesis.
  • Second watch the video (click on the link at the end of the page)
  • Follow the steps of the procedure.
  • Write the conclusion.
Have a good day!


Monday, 20th of April


Esta semana se va a activar el programa Roble que os va a ser de gran utilidad para acceder a diversa información escolar de vuestros hijos. La información está en la página web del colegio o también en esta carta:

Good morning everyone!
We begin a new week. I hope you all are well and with good energy to do the work.

Assigment for Monday:

ENGLISH: Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar.

  • Book (page 86): Copy activity 1 in your notebook. Read the song and find the places in the picture. Read the dialogue in activity 3 with somebody. Change the places to go.
  • Navio: Do the 4th and 5th sets of activities,
  • Activity book (page 83): Do activities 1 and 2.
  • Ask someone how to go to different places at home. For example How do I go to the batroom? How do I go to the kitchen

NATURAL: Do these workheets (ATENCIÓN PADRES: Vienen incluídas las soluciones. Dádselas cuando lo hayan terminado para que lo corrijan ellos mismos).
Enjoy your day!


Friday, 17th of April

ATENCIÓN PADRES: os recuerdo que para el libro de Natural hay que unirse a una clase para que yo pueda ver sus trabajos. Envié los códigos al grupo de whatsapp. Recordad inscribirlos con el nombre de vuestros hijos para no liarme con los nombres.

Hello students!
Today is Friday, and the weekend is around the corner, Yayyyy!!!

This is the assigment for today. You can do some today and some during the weekend.


NATURAL S. Properties of materials (pages 80-81)
  • Listen and copy the first box in your notebook. Highlight the key words.
  • Do activities 1,2,5 and 7 in your computer.
  • For activity 3 you need a magnet and different objects. Write in your notebook which objects are atracted to the magnet.
  • For activity 6 you need a glass or jar with water and different objects. Make a table in your notebook like this Float/sink table.
  • Listen and copy the last box in your notebook. Highlight the key words.
  • Watch this video

Have a wonderful weekend!



Thursday, 16th of April

Good morning students!

This is the work for today:

ENGLISH: Lesson 3. Story

  • Navio: Go to the 3rd set of activities. Do the 3 activities (listen and read the story, Listen and answer the questions and watch the animated story).
  • Book (pages 84-85): Read the story aloud (change voices for the different characters). Do activity 2
  • Activity book (page 82): Do activities 1 and 2.
NATURAL S.: Watch these videos
Have a good day!


Wednesday, 15th of April

Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you all are healthy and happy. If you want to tell me something write a comment below (in English if possible).

This is the assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Unit 8, lesson 2

  • Navio: Go to the first set of activities. Sing the song and say the vocabulary chant. Go to the second set of activities. Read the story 3 times (first listen, then listen and read, finally read aloud). . Do the other activities.
  • Book (page 83): Read the story again. Find someone at home to act it out. Copy the yellow box (Grammar) in your notebook.
  • Activity book (page 81): Do activities 1 and 2.
NATURAL S.: Natural and man-made materials (pages 78-79)
  • Listen and read the first box. Copy it in your notebook and highlight the key words.
  • Do activities 1 to 6.
  • Listen and read the last paragraph. Copy it in your notebook.
  • Write in your notebook 3 other examples of Natural materials and 3 of man-made. Where do they come from?
P.E.: Dress up with your favourite super-hero costume and practice your superpowers!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, 14th of April

Welcome back dear students and parents!!

ATENCIÓN PADRES: hoy comenzamos Unit 8 de English y Unit 5 de Natural. Para tener acceso al libro de Natural os he enviado un código por el grupo de padres de Whatsapp. Si necesitáis poneros en contacto conmigo para cualquier duda tenéis mi email en la esquina derecha del blog.

How was your Easter Holiday? Too many torrijas? well, now it´s time to go back to the normal routine.

Assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Today we begin Unit 8, All around the town. In this unit we will learn about places in a town and many more things. Today we do lesson 1

  • Book: (page 82) Read the song and match to the pictures using diferent colours. Stick the stickers. Write the vocabulary in your notebook.
  • Navio: Do the first set of activities. When you sing the song and the chant point to the pictures and stickers in yur book.
  • Activity Book: (page 80). Do activities 1 and 2

NATURAL: Unit 5 Matter and materials. Let´s start (pages 76-77).
  • Look at the picture and say aloud everything you know (canicas=marbles).
  • Do activities 1 to 4.
  • Optional: Do the experiment. Test material to see if they are waterproof.
Have a great day!


Easter homework 3-13 of April

Good morning everyone!
Today Easter holiday begins. It will last until April the 13th so on Tuesday the 14th we´ll go back to our normal routine.
Here is some work for this holidays.


  • Finish Unit 7 in your book, activity book and Navio
  • Print and do Grammar Booster 4 and Vocabulary Boosters 1 and 2.
  • Reading: ATENCIÓN FAMILIAS, os recomiendo que os deis de alta en www.vooks.com. Es una página de lecturas en Inglés. Dan 1 mes gratis para padres que nos puede venir muy bien durante este tiempo. Dejadles elegir entre los libros de su nivel algunos que ellos quieran leer.
  • Go to plus zone and do all the activities, songs and games
EASTER (recommendations)
Enjoy your Easter time in family and remember...Stay safe AT HOME!!


Thursday, 2nd of April

Good morning you all!!

Today is the last day of working class. Tomorrow Easter begins . So this is the last daily assigment before Easter. I will post tomorrow some work and recommendations for Easter.

ENGLISH: Lesson 7 literacy
  • Book (page 79): Do activities 1 and 2. Read the story aloud 2 times. Change voices for the different characters.
  • Activity book (page 76): Do activities 1 and 2
  • Extra (voluntary): Act out the story and record it with your mobile phone. You can find different people for the different characters or you can just change your dressing to change character. You can send it to me by email or post it in the parents whatsapp chat.
SOCIAL: Let´s revise! (pages 68-69)
  • Do activities 1 to 5
  • Go to Plus zone. Find the Karaoke for respect nature song and sing it.
P.E.: Time to get up and move!

Have a great day!