
Tuesday, 2nd of June

Good morning girls and boys!

This is the assigment for today:

ENGLISH: Cambridge exam practice

  • Activity book (pages 118-119): Do all the activities.
  • This summer begins on the 20th of June. This year it might be a bit different, but anyway here you have some ideas to do in Summer:

NATURAL S. : Complex machines (pages 102-103)
  • Listen and read the first box 2 times.
  • Do activities 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.
  • Write in your notebook an example of complex machine you have at home.
  • Read and listen to the last box. Copy it in your notebook.

Have a good Tuesday


  1. Buenos días Jorge. Va a haber videollamadas hoy? No hemos recibido el correo de Wes con el material para la sesión.Un saludo

  2. Sí, hoy ha habido videollamadas
